Un enfant cherche à l'aide d'un plan à quel animal appartient l'empreinte qu'il a trouvé
At the summit

Animal Tracks Game

But who's been there?
Currently closed, opening in
June 2025
This activity is open from June to October
Une famille enquête pour trouver à quel animal appartient l'empreinte qu'ils ont trouvé lors d'une activité à Charmey

Open your eyes wide

When they move, animals can leave traces on the ground: footprints.13 species have left a trace of their passage on the children's hill at the exit of the gondola, including lynx, goat, bear and golden eagle. Our leaflet will help you to distinguish and measure the different types of footprints. Become a detective and find out which animal 's footprint you're looking for!


This activity, ideal for the whole family, is free and is located at the top of the lifts.

Practical info


By finding all the prints and answering a few riddles, you can enter our competition! Every month, there are lots of prizes to be won! The ballot box is located at the entrance to the Dents-Vertes restaurant.

in collaboration with


Did you know?

Wild animals are increasingly encountering obstacles in their path, such as roads, railroads and man-made riverbanks. Fenced highways are the most difficult obstacles for animals to overcome. They have to turn around and travel long distances to get around them, putting their lives at risk. To help small animals near your home, you can create piles of stones, leaves or branches. This will give them a place to hide.

Plat de Röstis au Restaurant les Dents-Vertes au sommet de la station de Charrmey

a little hungry?

All this research is really digging its heels in! For a meal or just a little indulgence, discover our catering options!

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