At the summit

Via Ferrata

From green pastures to vertical mountains
Currently closed, opening in
May 2025
This activity is open from May to October
Une équipe est arrivé au sommet de la via ferrata de Charmey et se tapent dans les mains

Experience adrenalin on the via ferrata in Charmey!

Our via ferrata, featuring the very latest equipment technology, offers visitors a choice of routes up to expert level. In addition to the various cliff and forest passages, you'll find an incredible 66 m long footbridge on the descent route.

Once at the top, enjoy a breathtaking view of the Gastlosen, the Moléson and the magnificent Fribourg region.

The routes

Our two itineraries, each with different levels of difficulty, include a number of variants.

At the summit, there are several zones where you can sit back and enjoy the view in complete safety. The via ferrata continues with a downhill section where you'll have the opportunity to take a 66 m footbridge, which you can bypass. At the end of the route, take the footpath back to the top of the lifts.

For the best and safest experience , take time to assess your abilities, as the full-vacuum route is aptly named and particularly demanding.

The foothills

Quite difficult
Level K3 - Quite difficult
Elevation gain 180 m.
Weight 40-120 kg
Minimum height 1.40 m.
Cable length 600 m.
Cable car Summit approach 15 min.
Return to the cable car 40 min.
Total activity time 2-4 h.

For larger groups, allow about 1 hour more. All times are approximate and should be taken into account to ensure that everything runs smoothly

  • Good physical condition
  • Suitable equipment
  • Experience recommended
  • Can be adapted for via ferrata novices if accompanied
  • A varied route with rest zones
  • The sensation of emptiness is present, but in a moderate way
  • 2 short variants to test the K4 level

Square vide I

Very difficult
Level K5 - Very difficult
Elevation gain 160 m.
Weight 40-120 kg
Minimum height 1.40 m.
Cable length 660 m.
Cable car Summit approach 15 min.
Return to the cable car 40 min.
Total activity time 2-4 h.

For larger groups, allow about 1 hour more. All times are approximate, so please bear in mind the following to ensure that everything runs smoothly

  • Very good physical condition
  • Suitable equipment (+short tether)
  • Good via ferrata experience
  • For experienced climbers who are not afraid of overhanging sections
  • Few rest zones and very steady passages
  • The sensation of emptiness is omnipresent

Square vide II

Extremely difficult
Level K6 - Extremely difficult
Elevation gain 160 m.
Weight 40-120 kg
Minimum height 1.40 m.
Cable length 620 m.
Cable car Summit approach 15 min.
Return to the cable car 40 min.
Total activity time 2-4 h.

For larger groups, allow about 1 hour more. Please note that all times are approximate

  • Impeccable physical condition
  • Suitable equipment (+short lanyard)
  • Very good via ferrata experience
  • For experts with very good arm endurance
  • Almost the entire route is overhanging
  • The sensation of emptiness is omnipresent
  • Perhaps the hardest in Switzerland

Once you've reached the top, the adventure isn' t over , as the descent from the summit to the end of the via ferrata is part of the itinerary. It requires concentration and physical effort.

Via Ferrata Video

Via ferrata de Charmey


Practical info

  • The via ferrata can only be accessed from Charmey by gondola or on foot. The road is private and not accessible.
  • For rental, we offer a continuous lifeline belay system. This prevents any handling errors and drastically reduces any risk associated with this activity
  • A brief explanation will be provided to those renting the equipment
  • Standard via ferrata equipment can be used
  • To guarantee the maintenance and quality of the via ferrata, we ask for a contribution of CHF 4.00, payable at the cable car reception desk or via Twint before the start of the course
  • The start of the course is a 15-minute walk from the gondola arrival point. Follow the white arrows!

We accept no liability for accidents.

Safety instructions

  • Access under the sole responsibility of the user
  • Access reserved for those not prone to vertigo, who are sure-footed and in good physical condition
  • Appropriate equipment (harness, via ferrata lanyards, helmet) must be worn
  • Difficult to turn back once people have started on the route
  • Need to know how to use via ferrata properly
  • No access in the event of thunderstorms, rain, snow or ice
  • Accessible only to people over 1.40 m tall and weighing between 40 kg and 120 kg
  • For greater comfort, we strongly recommend wearing gloves


Child pack* 31.-
Senior/Young Pack 36.-
Adult Pack 39.-
Course only 4.-
Equipment rental only 18.-

Prices in CHF.

The via ferrata package includes equipment rental, the route and the return gondola ride. *Only children over 1.40 m and 40 kg are allowed to use the via ferrata with our rental equipment.

Equipment rental

  • Monday to Thursday: at the reception desk at the foot of the gondola until 2:30pm
  • Friday: at the reception desk at the foot of the gondola until 3:30pm
  • Saturday: at the top of the gondola until 4pm
  • Sunday: at the top of the gondola until 3 p.m

We reserve the right not to rent out equipment if weather conditions do not permit use of the via ferrata. The last gondolas go down at 6 p.m. from Sunday to Thursday. On Fridays and Saturdays, equipment must be returned by 8 p.m. at the latest.

Via ferrata grade scale

Produced with the support of


time to relax

Get your thrills on the Via Ferrata, then treat yourself to a moment of pure relaxation at the baths with our combined offer!

Via Ferrata & baths